Ten Steps towards Cloud Native

Here in the Open Source Cloud Engineering (OSCE) division of Capgemini Custom Software Development, cloud native development is what we do. What we struggle with is explaining to people exactly what that is. Cloud native is a buzzword which is...

Using AWS S3 and Hugo to Create and Host a Static Website A fast, simple and hassle-free way of creating and hosting a static website

As a software engineer and consultant, I have been responsible for designing, developing and deploying custom websites and systems for a range of private and public sector companies and agencies. With most of my time being spent on other people’s...

Promoting on Success: A Safe and Reliable Strategy of Promoting Serverless Applications A strategy of promoting serverless applications from Development up to Production

Traditionally, there have been many ways of releasing applications. This relates to both the different test environments and the production environment itself. However, with serverless applications, traditional strategies may not transfer so well due to the characteristics of those architectures....

Introduction to Serverless Computing on AWS A first dive into Serverless Computing on AWS

Back in November 2014, AWS completely changed the paradigm of modern Cloud computing by releasing a service called AWS Lambda. Consequently, this changed the future product road map offerings for a lot of technology companies around the world that have...

Rematch: Redux Without the Bloat

State management. Whilst being a critical aspect of writing frontend applications, it’s an ever-changing landscape. You might be reading this and thinking what even is state, and why do I need it? Fundamentally, at a high level, state management is...

Lead Developer London 2019 Roundup

Feeling very fortunate and full of expectation, I attended the London Lead Developer 2019 conference which was held at the iconic Barbican Centre in June. This event is focussed on technical leadership and it was my first time attending. It...

The top three challenges in securing Public Sector digital services

When we talk to our clients, it’s often understandable that they are worried about the fact that, somehow, their ability to secure digital products and services cannot keep pace with the speed at which they are built. In a previous...

Fast and Free AWS Web Deployment Tutorial A quick guide to deploying a Spring MVC application on AWS.

I wanted to learn how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) so I worked through a few online courses and decided that it was time to get practical. However, I was wary of getting charged accidentally while using AWS services....

Devoxx 2019 Review A report on all the exciting things we saw at Devoxx 2019.

Another Devoxx has come and gone and it’s time to reflect on what was seen and loved! There were loads of amazing talks this year: Some new technologies, friendly faces and some wildly futuristic technology that makes it seem like...

There isn't a module for that already?

Sometimes clients ask for the wrong thing. Sometimes developers build the wrong thing, because they didn’t ask the right questions. If you’re solving the wrong problem, it doesn’t matter how elegant your solution is. One of the most important services...