There isn't a module for that already?

Sometimes clients ask for the wrong thing. Sometimes developers build the wrong thing, because they didn’t ask the right questions. If you’re solving the wrong problem, it doesn’t matter how elegant your solution is. One of the most important services...

Introduction to Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java A first look into Quarkus

Due to the constant evolution of different languages and frameworks in the tech industry, developers are able to develop and deploy apps with faster speeds and lower footprint on the underlying systems in which they are deployed to. This simultaneously...

The bigger picture and the smaller details

The importance of taking time to think about where we're going

Out of the Comfort Zone and into the Classroom

Last year I decided to run a React (a frontend JavaScript Technology for building user interfaces) course within the account I’m working on. This year, I decided to do the same thing again, except to a wider audience with much...

What is Code Coverage and Why It Should Not Lead Development A proposal to why code coverage should not lead development

Within the world of software development and delivery there are not only thousands of tools, frameworks and principles, but there are also many terms that have no concrete definition that tend to fluctuate depending on who you’re talking to. In...

The Conservation of Complexity in Software How you can never remove complexity in a system, you can only move it

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to...

How to update data models in Drupal 8 Introducing the process of updating data models in Drupal 8

In this article we will see how to update data models in Drupal 8, how to make the difference between model updating and content updating, how to create default content, and finally, the procedure to adopt for successful deployments to...

Project Management Methodology – Probably a necessary evil for large Agile IT Projects

For me, who has been practicing the Agile in the IT industry for much of my career, earlier project management methodologies appeared as a big evil monster which try to control everything. After recently being certified as a PRINCE2 Practitioner,...

A framework for progressively decoupled Drupal Introducing the SPALP module

A lot of people have been jumping on the headless CMS bandwagon over the past few years, but I’ve never been entirely convinced. Maybe it’s partly because I don’t want to give up on the sunk costs of what I’ve...

Basic Accessibility for Web Applications

As frontend developers, it’s not enough to know how to build the applications, you also need to know how to build applications for everyone to be able to use. With the number of web users continuously growing, it’s important that...