Externalizing Spring Boot Config with Kubernetes An approach to utilising kubernetes config maps to externalize spring boot config

Spring Boot and Kubernetes go hand in hand when building modern microservices. Spring Boot is a widely used JVM-based framework which allows you to build out stand-alone, production grade applications. Kubernetes is an open source container management and orchestration system,...

Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry & Jaeger

Scientific inquiry starts with observation. The more one can see, the more one can investigate - Martin Chalfie Imagine if I was to approach you during your lunch and tell you that there has been an increase in customer raised...

An Introduction to Apache NiFi, Use Cases and Best Practices

Overview Apache NiFi is a visual data flow based system which performs data routing, transformation and system mediation logic on data between sources or endpoints. NiFi was developed originally by the US National Security Agency. It was eventually made open...

5 Things I wish I knew when I became a software developer

March 2018. Having recently finished a two-year contract collecting map data with a large search engine provider, I found myself at a point in my life where I had a real chance to pursue a new career. Having absolutely no...

Elasticsearch: Introduction A first time hands on with Elasticsearch

Introduction Elasticsearch is one of those technologies I have always heard about but never had the opportunity to get hands on with. Apart from making an educated guess I didn’t really know what it was, or what it really provides...

The Engineering Collective A collective of skills and quests to facilitate learning and promote a shared engineering culture

Starting out on a journey to learn something new can be both daunting and challenging. Where do you begin? How do you recognize the good materials from the bad? How do you know you’re on the right path? These are...

Rafael: A Developers Story The personal story of the developers that assembled and brought you Rafael

As the global population live in angst about humanity’s future, there are industries across the world that are being stretched to the peak of their abilities in ways never seen before. The healthcare sector is one of those industries. It...

Using GitHub Actions and Hugo Deploy to Deploy a Static Site to AWS

Owning a website can be fun. Rather than thinking of it as being a bunch of words followed by a “.com”, instead think of it like owning a home in the world of the internet. Your own personal space that...

Using Route 53 to Create a New Domain for a Static Site Using Route 53 to create a new domain for a static site together with DDoS protection

Over the years there have been countless websites that offer free hosting to users, with the limitation that you use their specific URLs. As shown in previous blog posts where I create a static site and host it on S3...

Ask In The Channel Private Messages Considered Harmful

Anti-patterns in instant messaging, and why teams need to get more comfortable about being vulnerable.