How fast are your React‑ions Optimising the performance of React applications

Overview Since its conception by Facebook in 2013, React has quickly become one of the most popular libraries for building web-based user interfaces. React uses JavaScript to create a dynamic web application normally rendered directly on the client side device,...

A design review checklist for non‑designers

If we can't entirely break down the wall that designs are thrown over, let's at least put a gate in it.

A look at Cloud-Native Apps on Azure A framework for building Cloud Native Apps on the Microsoft Azure Cloud

Organisations are using software as a key differentiator and source of competitive advantage. Whilst we often think about technology-led companies, such as Netflix and Uber, it is transforming all types of organisation. The cloud supports this transformation, and we are...

Roslyn-Based .NET Code Analyser .NET Compiler as a service

While it is relatively easy to write code, it is not so easy to write high quality maintainable code. In this post, we introduce a technology - Roslyn, which enables .NET software engineering teams to implement automated code reviews based...

Serverless, and the challenges using it Developing a serverless application in Azure with Functions

Recently I have been taking a look at serverless computing, trying to go beyond the headlines of why serverless is a good thing. Those headlines are something like “create your first serverless application in minutes”. While this isn’t untrue, there...

Starting out in the world of IoT

IoT was a very daunting place for me when I started. After building an IoT scale, I’m now slightly more knowledgeable. It’s been one of the most interesting bits of learning I’ve done for a while because you really get...

Musings of a female Software Engineer on International Women's Day

On International Women’s day, I pause to think about the changes that has come about since the whole Active Inclusion and Diversity drive kicked off, not just within Capgemini but in the tech industry as a whole. I wonder how...

Debugging into a NuGet package Reducing debugging headaches

Over the past year, I have been working on a programme of work that, initially, was intended to extend an existing Azure Service Fabric solution by adding a further 14 WebAPI endpoints. However, early in the project, we took the...

Non functional requirements and Blockchain

Here in the Applied Innovation Exchange we get to be part of some pretty excellent events. One notable example is “Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks”, which happened in November 2017 on the 8th floor of our Holborn office. As part...

Encrypting configuration in Apache Karaf

It’s very important to encrypt passwords or other sensitive information in configuration files. This stops attackers gaining easy access to sensitive information, limiting the way they can harm your system. This has been made easy in an OSGi environment with...