Click or drag to resize

IFrameAware Interface

Represents a view model that reacts to certain events in the NavigationFrame (UWP) or Window (Desktop).

Namespace:  Cauldron.XAML.ViewModels
Assembly:  Cauldron.Win32.WPF (in Cauldron.Win32.WPF.dll) Version: (

The IFrameAware type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDispatcher
Gets the Dispatcher this IDispatcher is associated with.
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Public propertyId
Gets the unique Id of the view model
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Public propertyIsLoading
Gets or sets a value that indicates if the viewmodel is loading
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Public methodActivated
Occures if the page or window is activated
Public methodCanClose
Occures if the window is closing. Returning a false will prevent the window from closing.
(Inherited from ICloseAwareViewModel.)
Public methodClose
Occures if the control requests a closing. The viewmodel has to react to the requst by for example removing the tab from the ObservableCollectionT.
(Inherited from ICloseAwareViewModel.)
Public methodDeactivated
Occures if the page or window is deactivated
Public methodOnException
Centralized error handling
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Public methodRaiseNotifyBehaviourInvoke
Invokes the BehaviourInvoke event
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Public methodRaisePropertyChanged
Invokes the PropertyChanged event
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Public eventBehaviourInvoke
Occures if a behaviour should be invoked
(Inherited from INotifyBehaviourInvocation.)
Public eventIsLoadingChanged
Occures if the IsLoading property has changed.
(Inherited from IViewModel.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodRun
Handles neccessary setting of the IsLoading flag if implemented and the error handling
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodRunAsync
Handles neccessary setting of the IsLoading flag and the error handling
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodRunDispatcherAsync
Runs the action asyncronously using the Dispatcher on the lowest priority. Handles neccessary setting of the IsLoading flag and the error handling.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also