Click or drag to resize

Cauldron.XAML.ViewModels Namespace

Public classRaisePropertyChangeAttribute
Raises the PropertyChanged event if the property is changed.

ATTENTION: Only use this if the PropertyChanged.Fody DoNotNotifyAttribute is applied on the property or this implementation will collide heavily with the implementation of PropertyChanged.Fody.

Public classRegisterChildrenAttribute
Registers the property to the declaring viewmodel. A registered child will able to propagate changes of its IsLoading and IsChanged property to its parent viewmodel.
Public classValidatableViewModelBase
Represents a base class with an implemented validation
Public classViewModelBase
Represents the base class of a ViewModel
Public interfaceIChangeAwareViewModel
Represents a viewmodel that is aware of changes.
Public interfaceICloseAwareViewModel
Represents an interface that can be used by UIElement to trigger viewmodels to close
Public interfaceIDialogViewModel
Represents a view model with a return value.
Public interfaceIDialogViewModel<TResult>
Represents a view model with a return value.
Public interfaceIFrameAware
Represents a view model that reacts to certain events in the NavigationFrame (UWP) or Window (Desktop).
Public interfaceINavigable
Represents a navigable view model
Public interfaceIPrelaunchAware
Represents a viewmodel that is aware of application prelaunch
Public interfaceISizeAware
Represents a view model that is aware of the window sizing
Public interfaceIValidatableViewModel
Represents a viewmodel that is able to validate property values
Public interfaceIViewAware
Represents a viewmodel that is aware of some of its view status
Public interfaceIViewModel
Defines a ViewModel