Following the previous blog post about our software engineering team culture that I wrote with my colleague Andrew Harmel-Law, I spoke about the subject at the January Drupal Show & Tell at South Bank University.
How We Work Building An Engineering Culture
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Malcolm Young
Senior Software Engineer at Capgemini, with an interest in front end, content strategy, and workflow.
Posts by Malcolm
- Transparent borders for element states
- A Hippocratic Oath for Software Engineers
- Ask In The Channel Private Messages Considered Harmful
- There isn't a module for that already?
- The bigger picture and the smaller details
- A framework for progressively decoupled Drupal Introducing the SPALP module
- Do Repeat Yourself - returning to the Lead Developer conference
- A design review checklist for non‑designers
- 2017 in review - innovation, diversity, funerals and donkeys
- Knowledge Is Dead, Long Live Learning
- Learning to Lead, Learning to Listen
- A blurry look into the future
- Talking About How We Work
- What to look for in a code review
- Considerations for a Drupal 8 upgrade
- How We Work
- How to write effective bug reports
- Defining a Minimum Viable Redesign
- SVG Icon Workflow for Jekyll with Gulp
- How Not To Lead A Team
- Seniority, strength, and serendipity - what makes a good lead developer?
- Super, Smashing, Great in Barcelona
- Better Learning Through Code Reviews
- Component Based Development for the Enterprise