Tooling as a service via executable images

This is a recap about how we use the isolation of containers and the power, portability and simplicity of Docker for providing tooling as a service via executable images using DCOS-CLI as an example. True story! The problem: We want...

Agile Cambridge 2015

Failing Fast - An Autopsy of a Failed Release I’ve been lucky enough to be selected to speak at Agile Cambridge 2015. My talk is titled “Failing Fast - An Autopsy of a Failed Release”, please read more about this...

Delivering at Devoxx

There comes a point in a developer’s life where one develops a solid confidence in one’s opinions and actions. For me, this aligned with parenthood; the horrifying responsibility of being in charge of a little one’s life makes choices such...

The Lead Developer conference

On Friday, I attended The Lead Developer conference, the first outing of a new conference for technical leads. I first heard about the conference back in May, and the tag line piqued my interest immediately: “When you’re busy leading a...

BDD Test Execution Throughput

Background This post is based on the experience of one project in particular. It is the implementation of a large enterprise solution, primarily to speed up the administration of a contract management process. The user-based part of the solution is...

Writing custom fields in Drupal 8

Based on my presentations at DrupalCamp London, on Saturday 28th February 2015 and DrupalCamp Bristol, July 4th 2015 Concept of a field Fields are the data entry points to a web application. Usually, they provide HTML elements and may be...

Continuously deploying Apollo with Wercker

When deploying Apollo it will create the cluster infrastructure in the cloud using an image built by Atlas and Packer. Additionally, it will provision and configure the new machines providing a full PAAS ready for deploying containers across the datacenter....

How Apollo uses Weave and Weave Scope

In my previous post we launched an Apollo cluster on AWS in under 5 minutes. Some of the magic around how we enable an easier developer experience around deploying and managing the communication between Docker containers is hidden in the...

Demo: Launching an Apollo cluster on AWS

This post aims to show how you can get up and running with an Apollo cluster on AWS inside 5 minutes. For more background information on Apollo see our GitHub repo or the original post which gives an insight into...