How to write effective bug reports

Unfortunately, software will always have bugs, and those defects need to be tracked. Whether you’re doing automated or manual testing, when that testing finds a problem, you need to communicate that problem to the development team. The way to communicate...

Hacking on Bluemix

I’m currently sitting at an airport in Paris awaiting my flight back to Cardiff and thought it would be a good time to share my experience of using IBM Bluemix. First off some background: Capgemini has its own University Campus...

Unit Tests are the Best Documentation

As a relatively new developer (I’ve only been writing code and learning for just over 3 years) this has been a bit of a revelation for me. I’m sure for most seasoned developers this is old news but it’s improved...

Throwing stones at Clouds

Once I was a serious developer, but this year all I have been allowed to do is play with Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. Instead of sulking, I have embraced the concept, and I think it’s time a lot...

Digital Developer Meetup, Birmingham, 14th July, 2016

After the success of our first digital developers meetup last month, we are holding another one at the Birmingham Custard Factory on the 14th July. This event will give you the opportunity to find out about the innovative projects we...

Defining a Minimum Viable Redesign

These days, it’s pretty rare that we build websites that aren’t some kind of redesign. Unless it’s a brand new company or project, the client usually has some sort of web presence already, and for one reason or another, they’ve...

Digital Developer Meetup, London, 30th June, 2016

Capgemini are holding a meetup for digital developers at our recently opened Applied Innovation Exchange (AIE) in Holborn, London on the 30th June. This event will give you the opportunity to find out about the innovative projects we are working...

Unit Testing Timer Based Code

Code that relies on timers is tricky to unit test. You have to check the functionality of your code and ensure there is the correct synchronisation between the test and the timer thread. Unless special measures are taken, exceptions thrown...

London Calling - Devoxx UK, 2016

UPDATE (21/07/2016): the Devoxx folks published the video of the sessions, so we linked them in. We came to Devoxx UK 2016 because we wanted to hire people. (A LOT of people.) But we also wanted to let the community...