The Best of Capgemini Engineering Blog 2016

Hello! Are you new here? If so, welcome to the Capgemini Engineering blog. It’s written by and for our fellow engineers across the technology industry. This site has gone from strength to strength since it was created in 2014, and...

I Test, Therefore I Am

The three laws of TDD, as espoused by Robert C. (Uncle Bob) Martin state: You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. You are not allowed to write any...

Security of the Future

Cybersecurity was a huge focal point of 2016. With a new hacking scandal being highlighted in the news almost on a weekly basis, cybersecurity has become a major issue for all digital companies. Looking at some of the more severe...

Our Grade Ladder

Last year, we identified a need to redefine the career framework for our software engineers within the UK engineering teams and started work on a Capgemini Software Engineering grade ladder. The grade ladder is our team’s self-produced documentation to enable...

Talking About How We Work

Following the previous blog post about our software engineering team culture that I wrote with my colleague Andrew Harmel-Law, I spoke about the subject at the January Drupal Show & Tell last night. I’ve been meaning to speak at a...

DevOps - Why I need to know about it as an Engineer

I recently attended DevOps days at Les Fontaines (Capgemini University in Paris). The key reasons were to understand some details of this buzzword and how it may impact me as an engineer and my existing clients. Being an engineer, my...

React-ing to change

With the recent release of the ‘The State of JavaScript’ the clear big gainer of 2016 is ReactJS. So what’s all the fuss about? I’m going to look at the two big boys in the front end space. Angular and...

Ansible and Weave step by step

This is a pragmatic guide to Ansible for beginners. This use case will guide you on how to set up a cross-cloud software defined network for containers using Weave Net, Weave Scope and Docker. There is a full gitbook including...

Kubernetes, Ingress controllers and Traefik

When running your application services on top of an orchestration tool like Kubernetes or Mesos with Marathon there are some common necessities you’ll need to satisfy. Your application will usually contain two types of services, those that should be visible...