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MathR Class

Provides static methods for common mathematical functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  System
Assembly:  Cauldron.Activator (in Cauldron.Activator.dll) Version: (
public static class MathR

The MathR type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAdd
Adds a to b

If a and b are null then null is returned. If a is null then b is returned. If b is null then a is returned.

Tries to cast primitiv Type and use the + operator. If the Type is unknown then reflection is used to determin the operator.

Public methodStatic memberDivide
Divides a with b

If a and b are null then null is returned. If a is null then 0 is returned. If b is null then a is returned;

Tries to cast primitiv Type and use the / operator. If the Type is unknown then reflection is used to determin the operator.

Public methodStatic memberMultiply
Multiplies a with b

If a and b are null then null is returned. If a is null then b is returned. If b is null then a is returned.

Tries to cast primitiv Type and use the * operator. If the Type is unknown then reflection is used to determin the operator.

Public methodStatic memberSubstract
Substracts b from a

If a and b are null then null is returned. If a is null then 0 is returned. If b is null then a is returned;

Tries to cast primitiv Type and use the - operator. If the Type is unknown then reflection is used to determin the operator.

See Also