Click or drag to resize

WindowConfiguration Class

Provides attached properties used to configure the Window that will contain the view
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Cauldron.XAML
Assembly:  Cauldron.Win32.WPF (in Cauldron.Win32.WPF.dll) Version: (
public static class WindowConfiguration

The WindowConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetHasOwner
Gets the value of HasOwner
Public methodStatic memberGetHeight
Gets the value of Height
Public methodStatic memberGetIcon
Gets the value of Icon
Public methodStatic memberGetIconKey
Gets the value of IconKey
Public methodStatic memberGetIsModal
Gets the value of IsModal
Public methodStatic memberGetIsWindowPersistent
Gets the value of IsWindowPersistent
Public methodStatic memberGetMaxHeight
Gets the value of MaxHeight
Public methodStatic memberGetMaxWidth
Gets the value of MaxWidth
Public methodStatic memberGetMinHeight
Gets the value of MinHeight
Public methodStatic memberGetMinWidth
Gets the value of MinWidth
Public methodStatic memberGetResizeMode
Gets the value of ResizeMode
Public methodStatic memberGetShowInTaskbar
Gets the value of ShowInTaskbar
Public methodStatic memberGetSizeToContent
Gets the value of SizeToContent
Public methodStatic memberGetTitle
Gets the value of Title
Public methodStatic memberGetTopmost
Gets the value of Topmost
Public methodStatic memberGetWidth
Gets the value of Width
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowStartupLocation
Gets the value of WindowStartupLocation
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowState
Gets the value of WindowState
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowStyle
Gets the value of WindowStyle
Public methodStatic memberSetHasOwner
Sets the value of the HasOwner attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetHeight
Sets the value of the Height attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetIcon
Sets the value of the Icon attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetIconKey
Sets the value of the IconKey attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetIsModal
Sets the value of the IsModal attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetIsWindowPersistent
Sets the value of the IsWindowPersistent attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetMaxHeight
Sets the value of the MaxHeight attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetMaxWidth
Sets the value of the MaxWidth attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetMinHeight
Sets the value of the MinHeight attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetMinWidth
Sets the value of the MinWidth attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetResizeMode
Sets the value of the ResizeMode attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetShowInTaskbar
Sets the value of the ShowInTaskbar attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetSizeToContent
Sets the value of the SizeToContent attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetTitle
Sets the value of the Title attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetTopmost
Sets the value of the Topmost attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetWidth
Sets the value of the Width attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetWindowStartupLocation
Sets the value of the WindowStartupLocation attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetWindowState
Sets the value of the WindowState attached property
Public methodStatic memberSetWindowStyle
Sets the value of the WindowStyle attached property
Public fieldStatic memberHasOwnerProperty
Identifies the HasOwner dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberHeightProperty
Identifies the Height dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberIconKeyProperty
Identifies the IconKey dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberIconProperty
Identifies the Icon dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberIsModalProperty
Identifies the IsModal dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberIsWindowPersistentProperty
Identifies the IsWindowPersistent dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMaxHeightProperty
Identifies the MaxHeight dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMaxWidthProperty
Identifies the MaxWidth dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMinHeightProperty
Identifies the MinHeight dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMinWidthProperty
Identifies the MinWidth dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberResizeModeProperty
Identifies the ResizeMode dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberShowInTaskbarProperty
Identifies the ShowInTaskbar dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberSizeToContentProperty
Identifies the SizeToContent dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberTitleProperty
Identifies the Title dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberTopmostProperty
Identifies the Topmost dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberWidthProperty
Identifies the Width dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberWindowStartupLocationProperty
Identifies the WindowStartupLocation dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberWindowStateProperty
Identifies the WindowState dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberWindowStyleProperty
Identifies the WindowStyle dependency property
Attached Properties
Public attached propertyHasOwner
Identifies the HasOwner dependency property
Public attached propertyHeight
Identifies the Height dependency property
Public attached propertyIcon
Identifies the Icon dependency property
Public attached propertyIconKey
Identifies the IconKey dependency property
Public attached propertyIsModal
Identifies the IsModal dependency property
Public attached propertyIsWindowPersistent
Identifies the IsWindowPersistent dependency property
Public attached propertyMaxHeight
Identifies the MaxHeight dependency property
Public attached propertyMaxWidth
Identifies the MaxWidth dependency property
Public attached propertyMinHeight
Identifies the MinHeight dependency property
Public attached propertyMinWidth
Identifies the MinWidth dependency property
Public attached propertyResizeMode
Identifies the ResizeMode dependency property
Public attached propertyShowInTaskbar
Identifies the ShowInTaskbar dependency property
Public attached propertySizeToContent
Identifies the SizeToContent dependency property
Public attached propertyTitle
Identifies the Title dependency property
Public attached propertyTopmost
Identifies the Topmost dependency property
Public attached propertyWidth
Identifies the Width dependency property
Public attached propertyWindowStartupLocation
Identifies the WindowStartupLocation dependency property
Public attached propertyWindowState
Identifies the WindowState dependency property
Public attached propertyWindowStyle
Identifies the WindowStyle dependency property
See Also