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NavigationFrame Class

Displays Page instances, supports navigation to new pages, and maintains a navigation history to support forward and backward navigation.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Cauldron.XAML.Controls
Assembly:  Cauldron.Win32.WPF (in Cauldron.Win32.WPF.dll) Version: (
public class NavigationFrame : ContentControl

The NavigationFrame type exposes the following members.

Public methodNavigationFrame
Initializes a new instance of NavigationFrame
Public propertyBackStack
Gets a collection of PageStackEntry instances representing the backward navigation history of the NavigationFrame.
Public propertyCanGoBack
Gets or sets the CanGoBack Property
Public propertyCanGoForward
Gets or sets the CanGoForward Property
Public propertyForwardStack
Gets a collection of PageStackEntry instances representing the forward navigation history of the NavigationFrame.
Public propertyMaxStackSize
Gets or sets the MaxStackSize Property
Public methodClearStack
Resets the navigation history of the NavigationFrame
Public methodGoBack
Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history, if a Frame manages its own navigation history.
Public methodGoBack(NavigationType)
Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history, if a Frame manages its own navigation history.
Public methodGoForward
Gets a collection of PageStackEntry instances representing the forward navigation history of the Frame.
Public methodGoForward(NavigationType)
Gets a collection of PageStackEntry instances representing the forward navigation history of the Frame.
Public methodNavigate(Type)
Causes the NavigationFrame to load content represented by the specified IViewModel, also passing a parameter to be used to construct the view model.
Public methodNavigate(Type, Object)
Causes the NavigationFrame to load content represented by the specified IViewModel, also passing a parameter to be used to construct the view model.
Public methodNavigateTViewModel(Object, FuncTask)
Create a new ContentDialog or Flyout with the view defined by the view model, depending on the views definition.
Public methodNavigateTViewModel, TResult(Object, FuncTResult, Task)
Create a new ContentDialog or Flyout with the view defined by the view model, depending on the views definition.
Public methodReload
Reloads the current view and viewmodel
Public methodTryClose
Tries to close all dialog Window s
Public methodTryClose(IViewModel)
Tries to close a view model associated Window
Public eventStatic memberBackRequested
Occures when back navigation is requested
Public eventNavigated
Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found and is available from the Content property, although it may not have completed loading.
Public fieldStatic memberCanGoBackProperty
Identifies the CanGoBack dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberCanGoForwardProperty
Identifies the CanGoForward dependency property
Public fieldStatic memberMaxStackSizeProperty
Identifies the MaxStackSize dependency property
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCode exampleAs(Type)Overloaded.
Converts a type using the implicit or explicit operators. If both fails it will try to convert the value with ChangeType(Object, Type).
(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleAs(Type, Type)Overloaded.
Converts a type using the implicit or explicit operators. If both fails it will try to convert the value with ChangeType(Object, Type).
(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleAsTOverloaded.
Performs a cast between compatible reference types. If a convertion is not possible then null is returned. As a last resort it will use ChangeType(Object, Type).

Tries to use the implicit and explicit operators if exists when convertion with 'as' returns null.

(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodAsBitmapImage
Draws the visuals of a FrameworkElement to a BitmapImage
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleCreateTypeT
Creates a new Type that implements the properties of an interface defined by T and copies all value of anon to the new object.
(Defined by ExtensionsInterception.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualChildByName
Searches for a specified visual element in the child tree by name
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualChildren(Type)Overloaded.
Returns all visual childs and sub child (recursively) of the element that matches the given type
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualChildrenTOverloaded.
Returns all visual childs and sub child (recursively) of the element that matches the given type
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualChildrenT(FuncFrameworkElement, Boolean)Overloaded.
Returns all visual childs and sub child (recursively) of the element that matches the predicate.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualParent(Type)Overloaded.
Returns the parent object of the specified object by processing the visual tree.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualParentTOverloaded.
Returns the parent object of the specified object by processing the visual tree. The difference to FindVisualParent(DependencyObject, Type) is that this also consider sub-classes.

(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodFindVisualRootElement
Climbs up the visual tree and returns the top most visual parent
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDependencyProperties
Returns all DependendencyProperty fields in UWP and Desktop
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetInheritanceContext
Returns the InheritanceContext of the current DependencyObject
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyNonPublicValueT
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.

Default BindingFlags are Instance and NonPublic

(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValue(String, BindingFlags)Overloaded.
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.
(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValueT(String)Overloaded.
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.

Default BindingFlags are Instance and Public

(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValueT(String, BindingFlags)Overloaded.
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.
(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueFromBindingOrProperty
Gets the value of the FrameworkElement's DependencyProperty. If the DependencyProperty is binded, then it will return the value of the binding source. If it is not binded, then it will return the value of the DependencyProperty.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualChildren
Gets the direct visual children of the element
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualParent
Returns the parent object of the specified object by processing the visual tree.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodMapToT
Maps all properties and fields of an instance to another instance. The Clone() method is used to copy an instance if exist.

Mapping fails on jagged and multidimensional array. Classes without parameterless constructor will stay null.

(Defined by ExtensionsCloning.)
Public Extension MethodSaveVisualAsPngAsync
Saves the visuals of a FrameworkElement to a png file
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetBinding
Attaches a binding to a FrameworkElement, using the provided binding object.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodToLong
Tries to convert a Object to an Int64. Returns MinValue if target cannot be parsed.
(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodToStringEx(String)Overloaded.
Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.

The following custom formatter are already added: ByteSizeFormatter, MetricUnitFormatter

(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodToStringEx(String, CultureInfo)Overloaded.
Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.

The following custom formatter are already added: ByteSizeFormatter, MetricUnitFormatter

(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryDispose
Tries to performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

This will dispose an object if it implements the IDisposable interface.

(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also