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PropertyInterceptionInfo Class

Contains information about the intercepted property
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Cauldron.Interception
Assembly:  Cauldron.Interception (in Cauldron.Interception.dll) Version: (
public sealed class PropertyInterceptionInfo

The PropertyInterceptionInfo type exposes the following members.

Public methodPropertyInterceptionInfo
Initializes a new instance of PropertyInterceptionInfo
Public propertyChildType
Gets the Type of element. Returns null if the PropertyType is not a IEnumerable. Returns an Object if the weaver was not able to detect the child type.
Public propertyDeclaringType
Gets the Type of the object where the property resides in
Public propertyGetMethod
Gets an object that provides information about the getter method
Public propertyInstance
Gets the instance of the declaring type. Will be null if the property is static
Public propertyPropertyName
Gets the name of the property
Public propertyPropertyType
Gets the type of the property
Public propertySetMethod
Gets an object that provides information about the setter method
Public methodSetValue
Sets the value of the property's backing field
Public methodToPropertyInfo
Converts the PropertyInterceptionInfo instance to a PropertyInfo
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCode exampleAs(Type)Overloaded.
Converts a type using the implicit or explicit operators. If both fails it will try to convert the value with ChangeType(Object, Type).
(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleAs(Type, Type)Overloaded.
Converts a type using the implicit or explicit operators. If both fails it will try to convert the value with ChangeType(Object, Type).
(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleAsTOverloaded.
Performs a cast between compatible reference types. If a convertion is not possible then null is returned. As a last resort it will use ChangeType(Object, Type).

Tries to use the implicit and explicit operators if exists when convertion with 'as' returns null.

(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleCreateTypeT
Creates a new Type that implements the properties of an interface defined by T and copies all value of anon to the new object.
(Defined by ExtensionsInterception.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyNonPublicValueT
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.

Default BindingFlags are Instance and NonPublic

(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValue(String, BindingFlags)Overloaded.
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.
(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValueT(String)Overloaded.
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.

Default BindingFlags are Instance and Public

(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValueT(String, BindingFlags)Overloaded.
Searches for the specified property, using the specified binding constraints and returns its value.
(Defined by ExtensionsReflection.)
Public Extension MethodMapToT
Maps all properties and fields of an instance to another instance. The Clone() method is used to copy an instance if exist.

Mapping fails on jagged and multidimensional array. Classes without parameterless constructor will stay null.

(Defined by ExtensionsCloning.)
Public Extension MethodToLong
Tries to convert a Object to an Int64. Returns MinValue if target cannot be parsed.
(Defined by ExtensionsConvertions.)
Public Extension MethodToStringEx(String)Overloaded.
Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.

The following custom formatter are already added: ByteSizeFormatter, MetricUnitFormatter

(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodToStringEx(String, CultureInfo)Overloaded.
Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.

The following custom formatter are already added: ByteSizeFormatter, MetricUnitFormatter

(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryDispose
Tries to performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

This will dispose an object if it implements the IDisposable interface.

(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also