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ParameterPassingConfig Properties

The ParameterPassingConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBringToFront
Gets or sets a value that indicates that the window will be brought to the front of all window on activation. Default value is true.
Public propertyDataSeparator
Gets or sets a char that is used as data separator. Default value is \r.
Public propertyExitDelegate
Gets or sets a delegate that is executed to exit the application. The default value is Exit(Int32) with the value of 0.
Public propertyInstances
Gets all instances of the the current process.
Public propertyIsSingleInstance
Gets or sets a value that indicates if the application can only have one instance per user. The default value is false.
Public propertyParameterPassedCallback
Gets or sets a delegate that is executed if a running instance recieves new parameters. This should always be overriden.
Public propertyPassToAllInstances
Gets or sets a value that indicates if the parameters are passed to all running instances. The default value is true.
Public propertyProcessToPrefer
Gets or sets a Process that is preferred to recieve all passed parameters, if multiple instances of the application is running.
Public propertyRandomSelectInstance
Gets or sets a value that indicates if a random instance is selected or not if multiple instances of the application is running.
Public propertyValidationDelegate
Gets or sets a delegate that is used to validate the passed arguments. This is executed before any others.
See Also