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Cauldron.Interceptors Namespace

Public classExceptionLoggerAttribute
Intercepts the method and logs an exception.

This interceptor is using NLog. NLog configuration will affect this interceptor.

Public classExceptionToEventLogAttribute
Provides an interceptor that logs an exception to the Windows Event Log.
Public classExecutionTimeAttribute
Provides a simple performance measurement of a code block
Public classPerformanceLoggerAttribute
Intercepts the method and logs its execution time.

This interceptor is using NLog. NLog configuration will affect this interceptor.

Public classCode examplePropertyOnSetAttribute
Provides an interceptor that can invoke a method of the type instance.
The method must have the following name 'On_____Set' where the blanks is the property's name.
The method can be void and parameterless or void and with 2 arguments of type Object. The first argument is the old value and the second is the new value.
Public classRegistryAttribute
Provides an interceptor that can read and write registry values. It supports the following types: Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, String, String[], Byte[], DirectoryInfo and FileInfo.

This interceptor can be applied on a single property. If you require a class wide registry parsing use RegistryClassAttribute instead.

Public classRegistryClassAttribute
Provides an interceptor that can read and write registry values. It supports the following types: Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, String, String[], Byte[], DirectoryInfo and FileInfo.

This interceptor can be applied to a class and will intercept all properties declared in the class. If you do not wish to intercept a property decorate it with the RegistryClassDoNotInterceptAttribute.

Public classRegistryClassDoNotInterceptAttribute
Indicates that the method or property should not be intercepted by the RegistryClassAttribute interceptor.
Public classTimedCacheAttribute
Provides a timed global caching for the intercepted method. The caching is implemented using Default

The cache is dependent to the passed arguments. The arguments requires a proper implementation of GetHashCode and a unique ToString value.

The cache of the TimedCacheAttribute can be forcefully cleared by Clear.

Public classTimedCacheChangeMonitor
A custom type that monitors changes in the state of the data which a cache item depends on.