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Cauldron.XAML.ValueConverters Namespace

Public classBooleanInvertConverter
Inverts a bool value
Public classBooleanToVisibilityConverter
Converts a Boolean to Visibility. If the value is true, the IValueConverter will return either Collapsed or Visible depending on the parameter
Public classKeyToLocalizedStringConverter
Tries to get the localized value of the given key
Public classNullOrEmptyToVisibilityConverter
Converts a null or empty value of a string to a visibility value
Public classObjectToBooleanConverter
Checks if an object is null. If the object is null, the IValueConverter will return Collapsed
Public classObjectToVisibilityConverter
Checks if an object is null. If the object is null, the IValueConverter will return Collapsed
Public classVisibilityToBooleanConverter
Converts a Boolean to Visibility. If the value is true, the IValueConverter will return either Collapsed or Visible depending on the parameter