Microservices - A Reality Check(point)

It’s reached the point where it’s even a cliche to state “there’s a lot written about Microservices these days.” But despite this, here’s another post on the topic. Why does the internet need another? Please bear with me… We’re doing...


Why Stuff Goes Slow waiting blocked taking the long way round forgetting what you knew Why Stuff Gets Complicated Engineering around why stuff goes slow

Automated testing for POODLE

Why should systems and infrastructure not be treated in the same way as other software components, especially when it comes to implementing security concerns. With today’s POODLE announcement of another SSL vulnerability it makes sense to add infrastructure tests to...

Reflections on Symfony Live London 2014

At the end of September, I went to my first “non-Drupal” PHP event, Symfony Live London 2014. With Symfony components becoming a large part of Drupal 8 it was an excellent opportunity to learn a bit about what it all...

Answering: How long will it take?

How long will it take?

Some Details on the Subtleties of Scala and the Uniform Access Principle

Lets start off by taking a really simple function, f, which simply makes and returns a 5-value tuple which can be captured in a val or var: def f = (1, 3.14, “Mouse”, false, “Altitude”) The first element of this...

Effective BDD

It’s always important to remember that whilst Behat can be just used as a scripting language, in order to get the many benefits associated with BDD then you should always view your scenarios as ‘Executable Specifications’ for features that deliver...

Welcome to Capgemini Software Engineering

At Capgemini, we’re passionate about software engineering and the many facets that make up successful software engineering teams. We like to experiment with new technologies, establishing patterns that make our lives easier and more efficient. We are active in the...