This post aims to show how you can get up and running with an Apollo cluster on AWS inside 5 minutes.
For more background information on Apollo see our GitHub repo or the original post which gives an insight into the various components.
In short, Apollo is a fully open-source PAAS built on primarily on Apache Mesos and Docker as well as some other components.
For the purposes of the demo we will spin up a 5 node cluster on AWS public cloud in the eu-west-1 region.
The final deployment architecture will be -
- 3 Mesos master nodes running Mesos (in master mode), Marathon, Consul (in server mode), Docker, Weave and Weave Scope.
- 2 Slave nodes running Mesos (in slave mode), Consul (in agent mode), Docker, Weave, Weave Scope and HAProxy.
If you want to short-cut the text and skip straight to the video feel free.
## Prerequisites
It’s worth reading through our getting started guide for AWS public cloud, but essentially, you will need -
- An active account setup on Amazon AWS
- An account setup on Hashicorp Atlas
- An SSH key created, ready for pushing to AWS:
cd ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -P "" -t rsa -f id_rsa_aws -b 4096 -C "" openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa_aws -outform pem > id_rsa_aws.pem chmod 400 id_rsa_aws.pem eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add id_rsa_aws.pem
- Terraform installed and in your $PATH
- Python >= 2.7.5 installed along with pip.
Get the code
To start, lets clone the repo and install some dependencies -
git clone
cd Apollo
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set some configuration variables
Next, we need to set some environment variables in our shell. Usually I like to keep a little script that i can source
to bring those into my current shell environment, but its up to you, you can simply export
the variables on the command-line if you wish.
To create the file containing the environment variables vi aws-public.env
and the contents of this file should look similar to this -
export APOLLO_PROVIDER=aws-public
export TF_VAR_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
export TF_VAR_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
export TF_VAR_slave_size=c3.large
export TF_VAR_key_file=~/.ssh/
export TF_VAR_key_name=capgeminiapollo
export TF_VAR_slaves=2
export ATLAS_INFRASTRUCTURE=capgemini/apollo-aws-public
Lets just step through and explain what each of these variables do -
- This notifies the bootstrap scripts that we want to deploy on to AWS public cloud. Valid providers are ‘vagrant’, ‘digitalocean’, ‘gce’, ‘aws’ (private VPC).
- This is the Access Key ID for AWS
- This is the AWS secret key
- (Optional) This is the size of image we want to use. I’m using c3.large here because
I want a bit more grunt in my slave nodes. The default setting is m1.medium (if you leave this omitted)
- This is the AWS key we generate (part of prerequisites) that we want to upload to AWS
- This is the name we want to give that key. This must not clash with any keys
you already have in your AWS account.
- (Optional) This is the number of slaves we want to provision. The default is 1. Turn this up depending on how large you want your cluster to be.
- This is the name of the space in Atlas you want to use to monitor your infrastructure. This will give you a dashboard in Atlas allowing you to view the state of your infrastructure and services directly from Atlas. The dashboard will be available in Atlas at (for example)
Launch the cluster
To launch the cluster execute -
source aws-public.env && sh bootstrap/
This will bring the environment variables into your shell and kick off the launch process which should start bootstrapping the cluster on AWS.
The bootstrapping process does the following -
- Runs Terraform to provision the instances, security groups, SSH keys, etc… inside AWS cloud
- After that, runs Ansible on those provisioned instances to bring up the cluster configuration
- Finally, once Ansible has completed it should open the web interfaces in the browser to the following -
- Mesos master UI
- Marathon UI
- Consul UI
- Weave scope UI
Lets see the video
You should now have a fully working Apollo cluster ready for you to start deploying your applications to.
In a more real world scenario you might want to look at using the VPC set up we have to provide a bit more security around the cluster. We are aiming to add more features around security and cloud provisioning/providers to the platform soon, so stay tuned to our GitHub repo for more info.
If you want to try this out for yourself, head on over to and get cloning!
Look out for more posts coming soon on how to deploy applications to the cluster and further insight into how we use tools such as Weave to improve the developer experience around deploying and managing Docker containers.